Visit Polangui

Enjoy the culture and peaceful little town here in Polangui.

Top three tourists spots here at Polangui

Lake Danao Natural Park

Danao Lake offers an exhilirating environment, it is surrounded by lush and verdant vegetation and is haven for anlers asbig eels and other fresh water fish abound.

St. Expeditus Eco-Park

It's the best place in town to have a close encounter with nature, with its primary activities such as nature trailing, birdwatching, horseback riding and camping, among others.

Highlanders Watering Hole Resort

The Resort is also a perfect jump-off point for trekker and mountaineers in search of adventure in the enchanted Lake Buhi and Lake Danao. Its spacious landscape is a perfect location for a beautiful and memorable "garden wedding".

Mark Vincent Cleofe posing in the wall

Your guide

"I have lived at Polangui for over 10 years, so I can show you all of its best parts and hidden secrets."

Mark Vincent Cleofe